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Redis 聊天消息历史

Redis (远程字典服务器) 是一个开源的内存存储,用作分布式的内存键值数据库、缓存和消息代理,具有可选的持久性。Redis 提供低延迟的读写操作。Redis 是最流行的 NoSQL 数据库,也是最流行的数据库之一。

本笔记本演示了如何使用 langchain-redis 包中的 RedisChatMessageHistory 类来存储和管理使用 Redis 的聊天消息历史。


首先,我们需要安装所需的依赖项,并确保我们有一个正在运行的 Redis 实例。

%pip install -qU langchain-redis langchain-openai redis


docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redis:latest


import os

# Use the environment variable if set, otherwise default to localhost
REDIS_URL = os.getenv("REDIS_URL", "redis://localhost:6379")
print(f"Connecting to Redis at: {REDIS_URL}")
Connecting to Redis at: redis://redis:6379


<!--IMPORTS:[{"imported": "BaseChatMessageHistory", "source": "langchain_core.chat_history", "docs": "", "title": "Redis Chat Message History"}, {"imported": "AIMessage", "source": "langchain_core.messages", "docs": "", "title": "Redis Chat Message History"}, {"imported": "HumanMessage", "source": "langchain_core.messages", "docs": "", "title": "Redis Chat Message History"}, {"imported": "ChatPromptTemplate", "source": "langchain_core.prompts", "docs": "", "title": "Redis Chat Message History"}, {"imported": "MessagesPlaceholder", "source": "langchain_core.prompts", "docs": "", "title": "Redis Chat Message History"}, {"imported": "RunnableWithMessageHistory", "source": "langchain_core.runnables.history", "docs": "", "title": "Redis Chat Message History"}, {"imported": "ChatOpenAI", "source": "langchain_openai", "docs": "", "title": "Redis Chat Message History"}]-->
from langchain_core.chat_history import BaseChatMessageHistory
from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage, HumanMessage
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate, MessagesPlaceholder
from langchain_core.runnables.history import RunnableWithMessageHistory
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from langchain_redis import RedisChatMessageHistory


# Initialize RedisChatMessageHistory
history = RedisChatMessageHistory(session_id="user_123", redis_url=REDIS_URL)

# Add messages to the history
history.add_user_message("Hello, AI assistant!")
history.add_ai_message("Hello! How can I assist you today?")

# Retrieve messages
print("Chat History:")
for message in history.messages:
print(f"{type(message).__name__}: {message.content}")
Chat History:
HumanMessage: Hello, AI assistant!
AIMessage: Hello! How can I assist you today?


设置OpenAI API密钥

from getpass import getpass

# Check if OPENAI_API_KEY is already set in the environment
openai_api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")

if not openai_api_key:
print("OpenAI API key not found in environment variables.")
openai_api_key = getpass("Please enter your OpenAI API key: ")

# Set the API key for the current session
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = openai_api_key
print("OpenAI API key has been set for this session.")
print("OpenAI API key found in environment variables.")
OpenAI API key not found in environment variables.
Please enter your OpenAI API key: ········
OpenAI API key has been set for this session.
# Create a prompt template
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
("system", "You are a helpful AI assistant."),
("human", "{input}"),

# Initialize the language model
llm = ChatOpenAI()

# Create the conversational chain
chain = prompt | llm

# Function to get or create a RedisChatMessageHistory instance
def get_redis_history(session_id: str) -> BaseChatMessageHistory:
return RedisChatMessageHistory(session_id, redis_url=REDIS_URL)

# Create a runnable with message history
chain_with_history = RunnableWithMessageHistory(
chain, get_redis_history, input_messages_key="input", history_messages_key="history"

# Use the chain in a conversation
response1 = chain_with_history.invoke(
{"input": "Hi, my name is Alice."},
config={"configurable": {"session_id": "alice_123"}},
print("AI Response 1:", response1.content)

response2 = chain_with_history.invoke(
{"input": "What's my name?"}, config={"configurable": {"session_id": "alice_123"}}
print("AI Response 2:", response2.content)
AI Response 1: Hello Alice! How can I assist you today?
AI Response 2: Your name is Alice.



# Initialize with custom Redis configuration
custom_history = RedisChatMessageHistory(
ttl=3600, # Set TTL to 1 hour

custom_history.add_user_message("This is a message with custom configuration.")
print("Custom History:", custom_history.messages)
Custom History: [HumanMessage(content='This is a message with custom configuration.')]


# Add more messages
history.add_user_message("Tell me about artificial intelligence.")
"Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science..."

# Search for messages containing a specific term
search_results = history.search_messages("artificial intelligence")
print("Search Results:")
for result in search_results:
print(f"{result['type']}: {result['content'][:50]}...")
Search Results:
human: Tell me about artificial intelligence....
ai: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of comput...


# Clear the chat history
print("Messages after clearing:", history.messages)
Messages after clearing: []


本笔记本演示了来自 langchain-redis 包的 RedisChatMessageHistory 的关键特性。它展示了如何初始化和使用聊天历史,如何将其与语言模型集成,以及如何利用自定义配置和消息搜索等高级功能。Redis 为在 AI 应用中管理聊天历史提供了快速且可扩展的解决方案。

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