Titan Takeoff
我们的推理服务器 Titan Takeoff 使得在您的硬件上以单个命令本地部署大型语言模型成为可能。大多数嵌入模型开箱即用,如果您在使用特定模型时遇到问题,请通过 hello@titanml.co 联系我们。
以下是一些有用的示例,帮助您开始使用 Titan Takeoff 服务器。您需要确保在运行这些命令之前,Takeoff 服务器已在后台启动。有关更多信息,请参见 启动 Takeoff 的文档页面。
<!--IMPORTS:[{"imported": "TitanTakeoffEmbed", "source": "langchain_community.embeddings", "docs": "https://python.langchain.com/api_reference/community/embeddings/langchain_community.embeddings.titan_takeoff.TitanTakeoffEmbed.html", "title": "Titan Takeoff"}]-->
import time
from langchain_community.embeddings import TitanTakeoffEmbed
示例 1
基本用法,假设 Takeoff 正在您的机器上运行,使用其默认端口(即 localhost:3000)。
embed = TitanTakeoffEmbed()
output = embed.embed_query(
"What is the weather in London in August?", consumer_group="embed"
示例 2
使用 TitanTakeoffEmbed Python 包装器启动读取器。如果您在首次启动 Takeoff 时没有创建任何读取器,或者您想添加另一个,可以在初始化 TitanTakeoffEmbed 对象时进行。只需将您想要启动的模型列表作为 models
您可以使用 embed.query_documents
一次嵌入多个文档。预期输入是字符串列表,而不是 embed_query
# Model config for the embedding model, where you can specify the following parameters:
# model_name (str): The name of the model to use
# device: (str): The device to use for inference, cuda or cpu
# consumer_group (str): The consumer group to place the reader into
embedding_model = {
"model_name": "BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5",
"device": "cpu",
"consumer_group": "embed",
embed = TitanTakeoffEmbed(models=[embedding_model])
# The model needs time to spin up, length of time need will depend on the size of model and your network connection speed
prompt = "What is the capital of France?"
# We specified "embed" consumer group so need to send request to the same consumer group so it hits our embedding model and not others
output = embed.embed_query(prompt, consumer_group="embed")