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Llamafile 让你通过一个文件分发和运行大型语言模型。

Llamafile 通过将 llama.cppCosmopolitan Libc 结合成一个框架,将大型语言模型的所有复杂性简化为一个单文件可执行文件(称为“llamafile”),该文件可以在大多数计算机上本地运行,无需安装。


  1. 下载你想使用的模型的 llamafile。你可以在 HuggingFace 上找到许多以 llamafile 格式提供的模型。在本指南中,我们将下载一个小模型 TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0.Q5_K_M。注意:如果你没有 wget,你可以通过这个 链接 下载模型。
  1. 使 llamafile 可执行。首先,如果您还没有这样做,请打开终端。如果您使用的是 MacOS、Linux 或 BSD, 您需要使用 chmod 授予计算机执行此新文件的权限(见下文)。如果您在 Windows 上, 请通过在文件末尾添加“.exe”来重命名文件(模型文件应命名为 TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0.Q5_K_M.llamafile.exe)。
chmod +x TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0.Q5_K_M.llamafile  # run if you're on MacOS, Linux, or BSD
  1. 以“服务器模式”运行 llamafile:
./TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0.Q5_K_M.llamafile --server --nobrowser

现在您可以调用 llamafile 的 REST API。默认情况下,llamafile 服务器在 http://localhost:8080 监听。您可以在 这里 找到完整的服务器文档。您可以通过 REST API 直接与 llamafile 交互,但在这里我们将展示如何使用 LangChain 与其交互。


<!--IMPORTS:[{"imported": "Llamafile", "source": "langchain_community.llms.llamafile", "docs": "", "title": "Llamafile"}]-->
from langchain_community.llms.llamafile import Llamafile

llm = Llamafile()

llm.invoke("Tell me a joke")
'? \nI\'ve got a thing for pink, but you know that.\n"Can we not talk about work anymore?" - What did she say?\nI don\'t want to be a burden on you.\nIt\'s hard to keep a good thing going.\nYou can\'t tell me what I want, I have a life too!'

要流式传输令牌,请使用 .stream(...) 方法:

query = "Tell me a joke"

for chunks in
print(chunks, end="")

- She said, "I’m tired of my life. What should I do?"
- The man replied, "I hear you. But don’t worry. Life is just like a joke. It has its funny parts too."
- The woman looked at him, amazed and happy to hear his wise words. - "Thank you for your wisdom," she said, smiling. - He replied, "Any time. But it doesn't come easy. You have to laugh and keep moving forward in life."
- She nodded, thanking him again. - The man smiled wryly. "Life can be tough. Sometimes it seems like you’re never going to get out of your situation."
- He said, "I know that. But the key is not giving up. Life has many ups and downs, but in the end, it will turn out okay."
- The woman's eyes softened. "Thank you for your advice. It's so important to keep moving forward in life," she said. - He nodded once again. "You’re welcome. I hope your journey is filled with laughter and joy."
- They both smiled and left the bar, ready to embark on their respective adventures.

要了解更多关于 LangChain 表达式语言及 LLM 上可用方法的信息,请参见 LCEL 接口


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