Weaviate 混合搜索
Weaviate 是一个开源向量数据库。
混合搜索 是一种结合多种搜索算法以提高搜索结果准确性和相关性的技术。它利用了基于关键词的搜索算法和向量搜索技术的最佳特性。
Weaviate 中的混合搜索
本笔记本展示了如何将 Weaviate 混合搜索
作为 LangChain 检索器使用。
%pip install --upgrade --quiet weaviate-client
import os
import weaviate
auth_client_secret = (weaviate.AuthApiKey(api_key=os.getenv("WEAVIATE_API_KEY")),)
client = weaviate.Client(
"X-Openai-Api-Key": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
# client.schema.delete_all()
<!--IMPORTS:[{"imported": "WeaviateHybridSearchRetriever", "source": "langchain_community.retrievers", "docs": "https://python.langchain.com/api_reference/community/retrievers/langchain_community.retrievers.weaviate_hybrid_search.WeaviateHybridSearchRetriever.html", "title": "Weaviate Hybrid Search"}, {"imported": "Document", "source": "langchain_core.documents", "docs": "https://python.langchain.com/api_reference/core/documents/langchain_core.documents.base.Document.html", "title": "Weaviate Hybrid Search"}]-->
from langchain_community.retrievers import (
from langchain_core.documents import Document
retriever = WeaviateHybridSearchRetriever(
docs = [
"title": "Embracing The Future: AI Unveiled",
"author": "Dr. Rebecca Simmons",
page_content="A comprehensive analysis of the evolution of artificial intelligence, from its inception to its future prospects. Dr. Simmons covers ethical considerations, potentials, and threats posed by AI.",
"title": "Symbiosis: Harmonizing Humans and AI",
"author": "Prof. Jonathan K. Sterling",
page_content="Prof. Sterling explores the potential for harmonious coexistence between humans and artificial intelligence. The book discusses how AI can be integrated into society in a beneficial and non-disruptive manner.",
metadata={"title": "AI: The Ethical Quandary", "author": "Dr. Rebecca Simmons"},
page_content="In her second book, Dr. Simmons delves deeper into the ethical considerations surrounding AI development and deployment. It is an eye-opening examination of the dilemmas faced by developers, policymakers, and society at large.",
"title": "Conscious Constructs: The Search for AI Sentience",
"author": "Dr. Samuel Cortez",
page_content="Dr. Cortez takes readers on a journey exploring the controversial topic of AI consciousness. The book provides compelling arguments for and against the possibility of true AI sentience.",
"title": "Invisible Routines: Hidden AI in Everyday Life",
"author": "Prof. Jonathan K. Sterling",
page_content="In his follow-up to 'Symbiosis', Prof. Sterling takes a look at the subtle, unnoticed presence and influence of AI in our everyday lives. It reveals how AI has become woven into our routines, often without our explicit realization.",
retriever.invoke("the ethical implications of AI")
[Document(page_content='In her second book, Dr. Simmons delves deeper into the ethical considerations surrounding AI development and deployment. It is an eye-opening examination of the dilemmas faced by developers, policymakers, and society at large.', metadata={}),
Document(page_content='A comprehensive analysis of the evolution of artificial intelligence, from its inception to its future prospects. Dr. Simmons covers ethical considerations, potentials, and threats posed by AI.', metadata={}),
Document(page_content="In his follow-up to 'Symbiosis', Prof. Sterling takes a look at the subtle, unnoticed presence and influence of AI in our everyday lives. It reveals how AI has become woven into our routines, often without our explicit realization.", metadata={}),
Document(page_content='Prof. Sterling explores the potential for harmonious coexistence between humans and artificial intelligence. The book discusses how AI can be integrated into society in a beneficial and non-disruptive manner.', metadata={})]
"AI integration in society",
"path": ["author"],
"operator": "Equal",
"valueString": "Prof. Jonathan K. Sterling",
[Document(page_content='Prof. Sterling explores the potential for harmonious coexistence between humans and artificial intelligence. The book discusses how AI can be integrated into society in a beneficial and non-disruptive manner.', metadata={}),
Document(page_content="In his follow-up to 'Symbiosis', Prof. Sterling takes a look at the subtle, unnoticed presence and influence of AI in our everyday lives. It reveals how AI has become woven into our routines, often without our explicit realization.", metadata={})]
"AI integration in society",
[Document(page_content='Prof. Sterling explores the potential for harmonious coexistence between humans and artificial intelligence. The book discusses how AI can be integrated into society in a beneficial and non-disruptive manner.', metadata={'_additional': {'explainScore': '(bm25)\n(hybrid) Document eeb9fd9b-a3ac-4d60-a55b-a63a25d3b907 contributed 0.00819672131147541 to the score\n(hybrid) Document eeb9fd9b-a3ac-4d60-a55b-a63a25d3b907 contributed 0.00819672131147541 to the score', 'score': '0.016393442'}}),
Document(page_content="In his follow-up to 'Symbiosis', Prof. Sterling takes a look at the subtle, unnoticed presence and influence of AI in our everyday lives. It reveals how AI has become woven into our routines, often without our explicit realization.", metadata={'_additional': {'explainScore': '(bm25)\n(hybrid) Document b83765f2-e5d2-471f-8c02-c3350ade4c4f contributed 0.0078125 to the score\n(hybrid) Document b83765f2-e5d2-471f-8c02-c3350ade4c4f contributed 0.008064516129032258 to the score', 'score': '0.015877016'}}),
Document(page_content='In her second book, Dr. Simmons delves deeper into the ethical considerations surrounding AI development and deployment. It is an eye-opening examination of the dilemmas faced by developers, policymakers, and society at large.', metadata={'_additional': {'explainScore': '(bm25)\n(hybrid) Document 7ebbdae7-1061-445f-a046-1989f2343d8f contributed 0.008064516129032258 to the score\n(hybrid) Document 7ebbdae7-1061-445f-a046-1989f2343d8f contributed 0.0078125 to the score', 'score': '0.015877016'}}),
Document(page_content='A comprehensive analysis of the evolution of artificial intelligence, from its inception to its future prospects. Dr. Simmons covers ethical considerations, potentials, and threats posed by AI.', metadata={'_additional': {'explainScore': '(vector) [-0.0071824766 -0.0006682752 0.001723625 -0.01897258 -0.0045127636 0.0024410256 -0.020503938 0.013768672 0.009520169 -0.037972264]... \n(hybrid) Document 3a27b0a5-8dbb-4fee-9eba-8b6bc2c252be contributed 0.007936507936507936 to the score', 'score': '0.007936508'}})]