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StarRocks 是一个高性能分析数据库。 StarRocks 是一个下一代亚秒级 MPP 数据库,适用于全分析场景,包括多维分析、实时分析和临时查询。

通常 StarRocks 被归类为 OLAP,并且在 ClickBench — 一个分析型数据库管理系统基准测试 中表现出色。由于它具有超快的向量化执行引擎,它也可以用作快速向量数据库。

在这里我们将展示如何使用 StarRocks 向量存储。


%pip install --upgrade --quiet  pymysql langchain-community

在开始时设置 update_vectordb = False。如果没有文档被更新,那么我们就不需要重建文档的嵌入。

<!--IMPORTS:[{"imported": "RetrievalQA", "source": "langchain.chains", "docs": "", "title": "StarRocks"}, {"imported": "DirectoryLoader", "source": "langchain_community.document_loaders", "docs": "", "title": "StarRocks"}, {"imported": "UnstructuredMarkdownLoader", "source": "langchain_community.document_loaders", "docs": "", "title": "StarRocks"}, {"imported": "StarRocks", "source": "langchain_community.vectorstores", "docs": "", "title": "StarRocks"}, {"imported": "StarRocksSettings", "source": "langchain_community.vectorstores.starrocks", "docs": "", "title": "StarRocks"}, {"imported": "OpenAI", "source": "langchain_openai", "docs": "", "title": "StarRocks"}, {"imported": "OpenAIEmbeddings", "source": "langchain_openai", "docs": "", "title": "StarRocks"}, {"imported": "TokenTextSplitter", "source": "langchain_text_splitters", "docs": "", "title": "StarRocks"}]-->
from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA
from langchain_community.document_loaders import (
from langchain_community.vectorstores import StarRocks
from langchain_community.vectorstores.starrocks import StarRocksSettings
from langchain_openai import OpenAI, OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain_text_splitters import TokenTextSplitter

update_vectordb = False
/Users/dirlt/utils/py3env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/ RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.26.7) or chardet (5.1.0)/charset_normalizer (2.0.9) doesn't match a supported version!
warnings.warn("urllib3 ({}) or chardet ({})/charset_normalizer ({}) doesn't match a supported "


加载 docs 目录下的所有 markdown 文件

对于 StarRocks 文档,您可以从 克隆仓库,里面有 docs 目录。

loader = DirectoryLoader(
"./docs", glob="**/*.md", loader_cls=UnstructuredMarkdownLoader
documents = loader.load()

将文档分割为标记,并设置 update_vectordb = True,因为有新的文档/标记。

# load text splitter and split docs into snippets of text
text_splitter = TokenTextSplitter(chunk_size=400, chunk_overlap=50)
split_docs = text_splitter.split_documents(documents)

# tell vectordb to update text embeddings
update_vectordb = True
Document(page_content='Compile StarRocks with Docker\n\nThis topic describes how to compile StarRocks using Docker.\n\nOverview\n\nStarRocks provides development environment images for both Ubuntu 22.04 and CentOS 7.9. With the image, you can launch a Docker container and compile StarRocks in the container.\n\nStarRocks version and DEV ENV image\n\nDifferent branches of StarRocks correspond to different development environment images provided on StarRocks Docker Hub.\n\nFor Ubuntu 22.04:\n\n| Branch name | Image name              |\n  | --------------- | ----------------------------------- |\n  | main            | starrocks/dev-env-ubuntu:latest     |\n  | branch-3.0      | starrocks/dev-env-ubuntu:3.0-latest |\n  | branch-2.5      | starrocks/dev-env-ubuntu:2.5-latest |\n\nFor CentOS 7.9:\n\n| Branch name | Image name                       |\n  | --------------- | ------------------------------------ |\n  | main            | starrocks/dev-env-centos7:latest     |\n  | branch-3.0      | starrocks/dev-env-centos7:3.0-latest |\n  | branch-2.5      | starrocks/dev-env-centos7:2.5-latest |\n\nPrerequisites\n\nBefore compiling StarRocks, make sure the following requirements are satisfied:\n\nHardware\n\n', metadata={'source': 'docs/developers/build-starrocks/'})
print("# docs  = %d, # splits = %d" % (len(documents), len(split_docs)))
# docs  = 657, # splits = 2802

创建 vectordb 实例

使用 StarRocks 作为 vectordb

def gen_starrocks(update_vectordb, embeddings, settings):
if update_vectordb:
docsearch = StarRocks.from_documents(split_docs, embeddings, config=settings)
docsearch = StarRocks(embeddings, settings)
return docsearch

将标记转换为嵌入并放入 vectordb

在这里我们使用 StarRocks 作为 vectordb,您可以通过 StarRocksSettings 配置 StarRocks 实例。

配置 StarRocks 实例与配置 mysql 实例非常相似。您需要指定:

  1. 主机/端口
  2. 用户名(默认:'root')
  3. 密码(默认:'')
  4. 数据库(默认:'default')
  5. 表(默认:'langchain')
embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings()

# configure starrocks settings(host/port/user/pw/db)
settings = StarRocksSettings()
settings.port = 41003 = ""
settings.username = "root"
settings.password = ""
settings.database = "zya"
docsearch = gen_starrocks(update_vectordb, embeddings, settings)


update_vectordb = False
Inserting data...: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2802/2802 [02:26<00:00, 19.11it/s]
zya.langchain @

username: root

Table Schema:
|name |type |key |
|id |varchar(65533) |true |
|document |varchar(65533) |false |
|embedding |array<float> |false |
|metadata |varchar(65533) |false |


llm = OpenAI()
qa = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(
llm=llm, chain_type="stuff", retriever=docsearch.as_retriever()
query = "is profile enabled by default? if not, how to enable profile?"
resp =
 No, profile is not enabled by default. To enable profile, set the variable `enable_profile` to `true` using the command `set enable_profile = true;`


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