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如何从遗留的 LangChain 代理迁移到 LangGraph



在这里,我们重点介绍如何从遗留的 LangChain 代理迁移到更灵活的 LangGraph 代理。 LangChain 代理(特别是 AgentExecutor)具有多个配置参数。 在这个笔记本中,我们将展示这些参数如何映射到 LangGraph 反应代理执行器,使用 create_react_agent 预构建助手方法。


本使用指南使用 OpenAI 作为大型语言模型。安装依赖项以运行。

%%capture --no-stderr
%pip install -U langgraph langchain langchain-openai

然后,设置您的 OpenAI API 密钥。

import getpass
import os

if "OPENAI_API_KEY" not in os.environ:
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = getpass.getpass("OpenAI API key:\n")


对于工具调用的 ReAct 风格代理的基本创建和使用,功能是相同的。首先,让我们定义一个模型和工具,然后我们将使用这些来创建一个代理。

<!--IMPORTS:[{"imported": "tool", "source": "", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "ChatOpenAI", "source": "langchain_openai", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}]-->
from import tool
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI

model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o")

def magic_function(input: int) -> int:
"""Applies a magic function to an input."""
return input + 2

tools = [magic_function]

query = "what is the value of magic_function(3)?"

对于 LangChain AgentExecutor,我们定义一个带有代理临时记事本占位符的提示。代理可以如下调用:

<!--IMPORTS:[{"imported": "AgentExecutor", "source": "langchain.agents", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "create_tool_calling_agent", "source": "langchain.agents", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "ChatPromptTemplate", "source": "langchain_core.prompts", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}]-->
from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor, create_tool_calling_agent
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate

prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
("system", "You are a helpful assistant"),
("human", "{input}"),
# Placeholders fill up a **list** of messages
("placeholder", "{agent_scratchpad}"),

agent = create_tool_calling_agent(model, tools, prompt)
agent_executor = AgentExecutor(agent=agent, tools=tools)

agent_executor.invoke({"input": query})
{'input': 'what is the value of magic_function(3)?',
'output': 'The value of `magic_function(3)` is 5.'}

LangGraph 的 react agent executor 管理一个由消息列表定义的状态。它将继续处理该列表,直到代理的输出中没有工具调用。要启动它,我们输入一系列消息。输出将包含图的整个状态——在这种情况下,是对话历史。

from langgraph.prebuilt import create_react_agent

app = create_react_agent(model, tools)

messages = app.invoke({"messages": [("human", query)]})
"input": query,
"output": messages["messages"][-1].content,
{'input': 'what is the value of magic_function(3)?',
'output': 'The value of `magic_function(3)` is 5.'}
message_history = messages["messages"]

new_query = "Pardon?"

messages = app.invoke({"messages": message_history + [("human", new_query)]})
"input": new_query,
"output": messages["messages"][-1].content,
{'input': 'Pardon?',
'output': 'The value returned by `magic_function` when the input is 3 is 5.'}


使用传统的 LangChain 代理,您必须传入一个提示词模板。您可以使用它来控制代理。

使用 LangGraph react agent executor,默认情况下没有提示。您可以通过几种方式实现对代理的类似控制:

  1. 将系统消息作为输入传入
  2. 用系统消息初始化代理
  3. 使用一个函数初始化代理,以在传递给模型之前转换消息。


首先,使用 AgentExecutor

prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
("system", "You are a helpful assistant. Respond only in Spanish."),
("human", "{input}"),
# Placeholders fill up a **list** of messages
("placeholder", "{agent_scratchpad}"),

agent = create_tool_calling_agent(model, tools, prompt)
agent_executor = AgentExecutor(agent=agent, tools=tools)

agent_executor.invoke({"input": query})
{'input': 'what is the value of magic_function(3)?',
'output': 'El valor de `magic_function(3)` es 5.'}

现在,让我们传递一个自定义系统消息给 react agent executor

LangGraph 的预构建 create_react_agent 并不直接将提示模板作为参数,而是接受一个 state_modifier 参数。这个参数在调用大型语言模型之前修改图的状态,可以是以下四个值之一:

  • 一个 SystemMessage,它会被添加到消息列表的开头。
  • 一个 string,它会被转换为 SystemMessage 并添加到消息列表的开头。
  • 一个 Callable,它应该接受完整的图状态。输出将传递给语言模型。
  • 或者一个 Runnable,它应该接受完整的图状态。输出将传递给语言模型。


<!--IMPORTS:[{"imported": "SystemMessage", "source": "langchain_core.messages", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}]-->
from langchain_core.messages import SystemMessage
from langgraph.prebuilt import create_react_agent

system_message = "You are a helpful assistant. Respond only in Spanish."
# This could also be a SystemMessage object
# system_message = SystemMessage(content="You are a helpful assistant. Respond only in Spanish.")

app = create_react_agent(model, tools, state_modifier=system_message)

messages = app.invoke({"messages": [("user", query)]})

我们还可以传入一个任意函数。这个函数应该接收一组消息并输出一组消息。 我们可以在这里对消息进行各种任意格式化。在这种情况下,让我们在消息列表的开头添加一个系统消息。

from langgraph.prebuilt import create_react_agent
from langgraph.prebuilt.chat_agent_executor import AgentState

prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
("system", "You are a helpful assistant. Respond only in Spanish."),
("placeholder", "{messages}"),

def _modify_state_messages(state: AgentState):
return prompt.invoke({"messages": state["messages"]}).to_messages() + [
("user", "Also say 'Pandamonium!' after the answer.")

app = create_react_agent(model, tools, state_modifier=_modify_state_messages)

messages = app.invoke({"messages": [("human", query)]})
"input": query,
"output": messages["messages"][-1].content,
{'input': 'what is the value of magic_function(3)?', 'output': 'The value of magic_function(3) is 5. ¡Pandamonium!'}


在 LangChain 中

使用 LangChain 的 AgentExecutor,您可以添加聊天 内存,以便它可以进行多轮对话。

<!--IMPORTS:[{"imported": "AgentExecutor", "source": "langchain.agents", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "create_tool_calling_agent", "source": "langchain.agents", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "InMemoryChatMessageHistory", "source": "langchain_core.chat_history", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "ChatPromptTemplate", "source": "langchain_core.prompts", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "RunnableWithMessageHistory", "source": "langchain_core.runnables.history", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "tool", "source": "", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "ChatOpenAI", "source": "langchain_openai", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}]-->
from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor, create_tool_calling_agent
from langchain_core.chat_history import InMemoryChatMessageHistory
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_core.runnables.history import RunnableWithMessageHistory
from import tool
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI

model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o")
memory = InMemoryChatMessageHistory(session_id="test-session")
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
("system", "You are a helpful assistant."),
# First put the history
("placeholder", "{chat_history}"),
# Then the new input
("human", "{input}"),
# Finally the scratchpad
("placeholder", "{agent_scratchpad}"),

def magic_function(input: int) -> int:
"""Applies a magic function to an input."""
return input + 2

tools = [magic_function]

agent = create_tool_calling_agent(model, tools, prompt)
agent_executor = AgentExecutor(agent=agent, tools=tools)

agent_with_chat_history = RunnableWithMessageHistory(
# This is needed because in most real world scenarios, a session id is needed
# It isn't really used here because we are using a simple in memory ChatMessageHistory
lambda session_id: memory,

config = {"configurable": {"session_id": "test-session"}}
{"input": "Hi, I'm polly! What's the output of magic_function of 3?"}, config
print(agent_with_chat_history.invoke({"input": "Remember my name?"}, config)["output"])
agent_with_chat_history.invoke({"input": "what was that output again?"}, config)[
Hi Polly! The output of applying the magic function to the input 3 is 5.
Yes, you mentioned your name is Polly.
The output of applying the magic function to the input 3 is 5.

在 LangGraph 中

内存只是 持久性,也称为 检查点

向代理添加一个 checkpointer,您将免费获得聊天内存。

from langgraph.checkpoint.memory import MemorySaver  # an in-memory checkpointer
from langgraph.prebuilt import create_react_agent

system_message = "You are a helpful assistant."
# This could also be a SystemMessage object
# system_message = SystemMessage(content="You are a helpful assistant. Respond only in Spanish.")

memory = MemorySaver()
app = create_react_agent(
model, tools, state_modifier=system_message, checkpointer=memory

config = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "test-thread"}}
"messages": [
("user", "Hi, I'm polly! What's the output of magic_function of 3?")
app.invoke({"messages": [("user", "Remember my name?")]}, config)["messages"][
app.invoke({"messages": [("user", "what was that output again?")]}, config)[
Hi Polly! The output of applying the magic function to the input 3 is 5.
Yes, your name is Polly!
The output of applying the magic function to the input 3 was 5.


在 LangChain 中

使用 LangChain 的 AgentExecutor,您可以使用 stream(或异步 astream)方法或 iter 方法迭代步骤。LangGraph 支持使用 stream 逐步迭代。

<!--IMPORTS:[{"imported": "AgentExecutor", "source": "langchain.agents", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "create_tool_calling_agent", "source": "langchain.agents", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "ChatPromptTemplate", "source": "langchain_core.prompts", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "tool", "source": "", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "ChatOpenAI", "source": "langchain_openai", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}]-->
from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor, create_tool_calling_agent
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from import tool
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI

model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o")

prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
("system", "You are a helpful assistant."),
("human", "{input}"),
# Placeholders fill up a **list** of messages
("placeholder", "{agent_scratchpad}"),

def magic_function(input: int) -> int:
"""Applies a magic function to an input."""
return input + 2

tools = [magic_function]

agent = create_tool_calling_agent(model, tools, prompt=prompt)
agent_executor = AgentExecutor(agent=agent, tools=tools)

for step in{"input": query}):
{'actions': [ToolAgentAction(tool='magic_function', tool_input={'input': 3}, log="\nInvoking: `magic_function` with `{'input': 3}`\n\n\n", message_log=[AIMessageChunk(content='', additional_kwargs={'tool_calls': [{'index': 0, 'id': 'call_gNzQT96XWoyZqVl1jI1yMnjy', 'function': {'arguments': '{"input":3}', 'name': 'magic_function'}, 'type': 'function'}]}, response_metadata={'finish_reason': 'tool_calls', 'model_name': 'gpt-4o-2024-05-13', 'system_fingerprint': 'fp_c9aa9c0491'}, id='run-dc7ce17d-02fd-4fdb-be82-7c902410b6b7', tool_calls=[{'name': 'magic_function', 'args': {'input': 3}, 'id': 'call_gNzQT96XWoyZqVl1jI1yMnjy', 'type': 'tool_call'}], tool_call_chunks=[{'name': 'magic_function', 'args': '{"input":3}', 'id': 'call_gNzQT96XWoyZqVl1jI1yMnjy', 'index': 0, 'type': 'tool_call_chunk'}])], tool_call_id='call_gNzQT96XWoyZqVl1jI1yMnjy')], 'messages': [AIMessageChunk(content='', additional_kwargs={'tool_calls': [{'index': 0, 'id': 'call_gNzQT96XWoyZqVl1jI1yMnjy', 'function': {'arguments': '{"input":3}', 'name': 'magic_function'}, 'type': 'function'}]}, response_metadata={'finish_reason': 'tool_calls', 'model_name': 'gpt-4o-2024-05-13', 'system_fingerprint': 'fp_c9aa9c0491'}, id='run-dc7ce17d-02fd-4fdb-be82-7c902410b6b7', tool_calls=[{'name': 'magic_function', 'args': {'input': 3}, 'id': 'call_gNzQT96XWoyZqVl1jI1yMnjy', 'type': 'tool_call'}], tool_call_chunks=[{'name': 'magic_function', 'args': '{"input":3}', 'id': 'call_gNzQT96XWoyZqVl1jI1yMnjy', 'index': 0, 'type': 'tool_call_chunk'}])]}
{'steps': [AgentStep(action=ToolAgentAction(tool='magic_function', tool_input={'input': 3}, log="\nInvoking: `magic_function` with `{'input': 3}`\n\n\n", message_log=[AIMessageChunk(content='', additional_kwargs={'tool_calls': [{'index': 0, 'id': 'call_gNzQT96XWoyZqVl1jI1yMnjy', 'function': {'arguments': '{"input":3}', 'name': 'magic_function'}, 'type': 'function'}]}, response_metadata={'finish_reason': 'tool_calls', 'model_name': 'gpt-4o-2024-05-13', 'system_fingerprint': 'fp_c9aa9c0491'}, id='run-dc7ce17d-02fd-4fdb-be82-7c902410b6b7', tool_calls=[{'name': 'magic_function', 'args': {'input': 3}, 'id': 'call_gNzQT96XWoyZqVl1jI1yMnjy', 'type': 'tool_call'}], tool_call_chunks=[{'name': 'magic_function', 'args': '{"input":3}', 'id': 'call_gNzQT96XWoyZqVl1jI1yMnjy', 'index': 0, 'type': 'tool_call_chunk'}])], tool_call_id='call_gNzQT96XWoyZqVl1jI1yMnjy'), observation=5)], 'messages': [FunctionMessage(content='5', name='magic_function')]}
{'output': 'The value of `magic_function(3)` is 5.', 'messages': [AIMessage(content='The value of `magic_function(3)` is 5.')]}

在 LangGraph 中

在 LangGraph 中,事情是通过 stream 或异步 astream 方法本地处理的。

from langgraph.prebuilt import create_react_agent
from langgraph.prebuilt.chat_agent_executor import AgentState

prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
("system", "You are a helpful assistant."),
("placeholder", "{messages}"),

def _modify_state_messages(state: AgentState):
return prompt.invoke({"messages": state["messages"]}).to_messages()

app = create_react_agent(model, tools, state_modifier=_modify_state_messages)

for step in{"messages": [("human", query)]}, stream_mode="updates"):
{'agent': {'messages': [AIMessage(content='', additional_kwargs={'tool_calls': [{'id': 'call_I0nztlIcc0e9ry5dn53YLZUM', 'function': {'arguments': '{"input":3}', 'name': 'magic_function'}, 'type': 'function'}]}, response_metadata={'token_usage': {'completion_tokens': 14, 'prompt_tokens': 61, 'total_tokens': 75}, 'model_name': 'gpt-4o-2024-05-13', 'system_fingerprint': 'fp_3aa7262c27', 'finish_reason': 'tool_calls', 'logprobs': None}, id='run-5f9bd87d-3692-4d13-8d27-1859e13e2156-0', tool_calls=[{'name': 'magic_function', 'args': {'input': 3}, 'id': 'call_I0nztlIcc0e9ry5dn53YLZUM', 'type': 'tool_call'}], usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 61, 'output_tokens': 14, 'total_tokens': 75})]}}
{'tools': {'messages': [ToolMessage(content='5', name='magic_function', tool_call_id='call_I0nztlIcc0e9ry5dn53YLZUM')]}}
{'agent': {'messages': [AIMessage(content='The value of `magic_function(3)` is 5.', response_metadata={'token_usage': {'completion_tokens': 14, 'prompt_tokens': 84, 'total_tokens': 98}, 'model_name': 'gpt-4o-2024-05-13', 'system_fingerprint': 'fp_3aa7262c27', 'finish_reason': 'stop', 'logprobs': None}, id='run-f6015ca6-93e5-45e8-8b28-b3f0a8d203dc-0', usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 84, 'output_tokens': 14, 'total_tokens': 98})]}}


在 LangChain 中

在 AgentExecutor 上设置此参数允许用户访问 intermediate_steps,这将代理操作(例如,工具调用)与其结果配对。

agent_executor = AgentExecutor(agent=agent, tools=tools, return_intermediate_steps=True)
result = agent_executor.invoke({"input": query})
[(ToolAgentAction(tool='magic_function', tool_input={'input': 3}, log="\nInvoking: `magic_function` with `{'input': 3}`\n\n\n", message_log=[AIMessageChunk(content='', additional_kwargs={'tool_calls': [{'index': 0, 'id': 'call_wjaAyTjI2LSYOq7C8QZYSxEs', 'function': {'arguments': '{"input":3}', 'name': 'magic_function'}, 'type': 'function'}]}, response_metadata={'finish_reason': 'tool_calls', 'model_name': 'gpt-4o-2024-05-13', 'system_fingerprint': 'fp_c9aa9c0491'}, id='run-99e06b70-1ef6-4761-834b-87b6c5252e20', tool_calls=[{'name': 'magic_function', 'args': {'input': 3}, 'id': 'call_wjaAyTjI2LSYOq7C8QZYSxEs', 'type': 'tool_call'}], tool_call_chunks=[{'name': 'magic_function', 'args': '{"input":3}', 'id': 'call_wjaAyTjI2LSYOq7C8QZYSxEs', 'index': 0, 'type': 'tool_call_chunk'}])], tool_call_id='call_wjaAyTjI2LSYOq7C8QZYSxEs'), 5)]

在 LangGraph 中

默认情况下,LangGraph 中的 react agent executor 将所有消息附加到中央状态。因此,只需查看完整状态即可轻松查看任何中间步骤。

from langgraph.prebuilt import create_react_agent

app = create_react_agent(model, tools=tools)

messages = app.invoke({"messages": [("human", query)]})

{'messages': [HumanMessage(content='what is the value of magic_function(3)?', id='2d369331-8052-4167-bd85-9f6d8ad021ae'),
AIMessage(content='', additional_kwargs={'tool_calls': [{'id': 'call_oXiSQSe6WeWj7XIKXxZrO2IC', 'function': {'arguments': '{"input":3}', 'name': 'magic_function'}, 'type': 'function'}]}, response_metadata={'token_usage': {'completion_tokens': 14, 'prompt_tokens': 55, 'total_tokens': 69}, 'model_name': 'gpt-4o-2024-05-13', 'system_fingerprint': 'fp_3aa7262c27', 'finish_reason': 'tool_calls', 'logprobs': None}, id='run-297e7fc9-726f-46a0-8c67-dc28ed1724d0-0', tool_calls=[{'name': 'magic_function', 'args': {'input': 3}, 'id': 'call_oXiSQSe6WeWj7XIKXxZrO2IC', 'type': 'tool_call'}], usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 55, 'output_tokens': 14, 'total_tokens': 69}),
ToolMessage(content='5', name='magic_function', id='46370faf-9598-423c-b94b-aca8cb4f035d', tool_call_id='call_oXiSQSe6WeWj7XIKXxZrO2IC'),
AIMessage(content='The value of `magic_function(3)` is 5.', response_metadata={'token_usage': {'completion_tokens': 14, 'prompt_tokens': 78, 'total_tokens': 92}, 'model_name': 'gpt-4o-2024-05-13', 'system_fingerprint': 'fp_3aa7262c27', 'finish_reason': 'stop', 'logprobs': None}, id='run-f48efaff-0c2c-4632-bbf9-7ee626f73d02-0', usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 78, 'output_tokens': 14, 'total_tokens': 92})]}


在 LangChain 中

AgentExecutor 实现了一个 max_iterations 参数,允许用户中止超过指定迭代次数的运行。

def magic_function(input: str) -> str:
"""Applies a magic function to an input."""
return "Sorry, there was an error. Please try again."

tools = [magic_function]
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
("system", "You are a helpful assistant. Respond only in Spanish."),
("human", "{input}"),
# Placeholders fill up a **list** of messages
("placeholder", "{agent_scratchpad}"),

agent = create_tool_calling_agent(model, tools, prompt)
agent_executor = AgentExecutor(

agent_executor.invoke({"input": query})

> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...

Invoking: `magic_function` with `{'input': '3'}`

Sorry, there was an error. Please try again.Hubo un error al intentar obtener el valor de `magic_function(3)`. ¿Podrías intentarlo de nuevo o proporcionar más detalles?

> Finished chain.
{'input': 'what is the value of magic_function(3)?',
'output': 'Hubo un error al intentar obtener el valor de `magic_function(3)`. ¿Podrías intentarlo de nuevo o proporcionar más detalles?'}

在 LangGraph 中

在 LangGraph 中,这通过 recursion_limit 配置参数进行控制。

请注意,在 AgentExecutor 中,“迭代”包括工具调用和执行的完整轮次。在 LangGraph 中,每一步都贡献于递归限制,因此我们需要乘以二(并加一)以获得等效结果。

如果达到递归限制,LangGraph 会引发特定的异常类型,我们可以像处理 AgentExecutor 一样捕获和管理。

from langgraph.errors import GraphRecursionError
from langgraph.prebuilt import create_react_agent


app = create_react_agent(model, tools=tools)

for chunk in
{"messages": [("human", query)]},
{"recursion_limit": RECURSION_LIMIT},
except GraphRecursionError:
print({"input": query, "output": "Agent stopped due to max iterations."})
content='what is the value of magic_function(3)?' id='fe74bb30-45b8-4a40-a5ed-fd6678da5428'
content='' additional_kwargs={'tool_calls': [{'id': 'call_TNKfNy6fgZNdJAvHUMXwtp8f', 'function': {'arguments': '{"input":"3"}', 'name': 'magic_function'}, 'type': 'function'}]} response_metadata={'token_usage': {'completion_tokens': 14, 'prompt_tokens': 55, 'total_tokens': 69}, 'model_name': 'gpt-4o-2024-05-13', 'system_fingerprint': 'fp_3aa7262c27', 'finish_reason': 'tool_calls', 'logprobs': None} id='run-dad8bfc1-477c-40d2-9016-243d25c0dd13-0' tool_calls=[{'name': 'magic_function', 'args': {'input': '3'}, 'id': 'call_TNKfNy6fgZNdJAvHUMXwtp8f', 'type': 'tool_call'}] usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 55, 'output_tokens': 14, 'total_tokens': 69}
content='Sorry, there was an error. Please try again.' name='magic_function' id='653226e0-3187-40be-a774-4c7c2612239e' tool_call_id='call_TNKfNy6fgZNdJAvHUMXwtp8f'
content='It looks like there was an issue with processing the request. Let me try that again.' additional_kwargs={'tool_calls': [{'id': 'call_K0wJ8fQLYGv8fYXY1Uo5U5sG', 'function': {'arguments': '{"input":"3"}', 'name': 'magic_function'}, 'type': 'function'}]} response_metadata={'token_usage': {'completion_tokens': 33, 'prompt_tokens': 88, 'total_tokens': 121}, 'model_name': 'gpt-4o-2024-05-13', 'system_fingerprint': 'fp_3aa7262c27', 'finish_reason': 'tool_calls', 'logprobs': None} id='run-d4c85437-6625-4e57-81f9-86de6842be7b-0' tool_calls=[{'name': 'magic_function', 'args': {'input': '3'}, 'id': 'call_K0wJ8fQLYGv8fYXY1Uo5U5sG', 'type': 'tool_call'}] usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 88, 'output_tokens': 33, 'total_tokens': 121}
content='Sorry, there was an error. Please try again.' name='magic_function' id='9b530d03-95df-401e-bb4f-5cada1195033' tool_call_id='call_K0wJ8fQLYGv8fYXY1Uo5U5sG'
content='It seems that there is a persistent issue with processing the request. Let me attempt it one more time.' additional_kwargs={'tool_calls': [{'id': 'call_7ECwwNBDo4SH56oczErZJVRT', 'function': {'arguments': '{"input":"3"}', 'name': 'magic_function'}, 'type': 'function'}]} response_metadata={'token_usage': {'completion_tokens': 36, 'prompt_tokens': 143, 'total_tokens': 179}, 'model_name': 'gpt-4o-2024-05-13', 'system_fingerprint': 'fp_3aa7262c27', 'finish_reason': 'tool_calls', 'logprobs': None} id='run-9f3f651e-a641-4112-99ed-d1ac11169582-0' tool_calls=[{'name': 'magic_function', 'args': {'input': '3'}, 'id': 'call_7ECwwNBDo4SH56oczErZJVRT', 'type': 'tool_call'}] usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 143, 'output_tokens': 36, 'total_tokens': 179}
content='Sorry, there was an error. Please try again.' name='magic_function' id='e4cd152b-4eb1-47df-ac76-f88e79adbe19' tool_call_id='call_7ECwwNBDo4SH56oczErZJVRT'
content="It seems there is a consistent issue with processing the request for the magic function. Let's try using a different approach to resolve this." additional_kwargs={'tool_calls': [{'id': 'call_DMAL0UwBRijzuPjCTSwR2r17', 'function': {'arguments': '{"input":"three"}', 'name': 'magic_function'}, 'type': 'function'}]} response_metadata={'token_usage': {'completion_tokens': 41, 'prompt_tokens': 201, 'total_tokens': 242}, 'model_name': 'gpt-4o-2024-05-13', 'system_fingerprint': 'fp_c9aa9c0491', 'finish_reason': 'tool_calls', 'logprobs': None} id='run-cd9f4e5c-f881-462c-abe3-890e73f46a01-0' tool_calls=[{'name': 'magic_function', 'args': {'input': 'three'}, 'id': 'call_DMAL0UwBRijzuPjCTSwR2r17', 'type': 'tool_call'}] usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 201, 'output_tokens': 41, 'total_tokens': 242}
{'input': 'what is the value of magic_function(3)?', 'output': 'Agent stopped due to max iterations.'}


在 LangChain 中

AgentExecutor 实现了一个 max_execution_time 参数,允许用户中止超过总时间限制的运行。

import time

def magic_function(input: str) -> str:
"""Applies a magic function to an input."""
return "Sorry, there was an error. Please try again."

tools = [magic_function]

agent = create_tool_calling_agent(model, tools, prompt)
agent_executor = AgentExecutor(

agent_executor.invoke({"input": query})

> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...

Invoking: `magic_function` with `{'input': '3'}`

Sorry, there was an error. Please try again.

> Finished chain.
{'input': 'what is the value of magic_function(3)?',
'output': 'Agent stopped due to max iterations.'}

在 LangGraph 中

使用 LangGraph 的反应代理,您可以在两个级别上控制超时。

您可以设置一个 step_timeout 来限制每个 步骤

from langgraph.prebuilt import create_react_agent

app = create_react_agent(model, tools=tools)
# Set the max timeout for each step here
app.step_timeout = 2

for chunk in{"messages": [("human", query)]}):
except TimeoutError:
print({"input": query, "output": "Agent stopped due to a step timeout."})
{'agent': {'messages': [AIMessage(content='', additional_kwargs={'tool_calls': [{'id': 'call_o8Ym0u9UfzArhIm1lV7O0CXF', 'function': {'arguments': '{"input":"3"}', 'name': 'magic_function'}, 'type': 'function'}]}, response_metadata={'token_usage': {'completion_tokens': 14, 'prompt_tokens': 55, 'total_tokens': 69}, 'model_name': 'gpt-4o-2024-05-13', 'system_fingerprint': 'fp_3aa7262c27', 'finish_reason': 'tool_calls', 'logprobs': None}, id='run-d9faf125-1ff8-4de2-a75b-97e07d28dc4d-0', tool_calls=[{'name': 'magic_function', 'args': {'input': '3'}, 'id': 'call_o8Ym0u9UfzArhIm1lV7O0CXF', 'type': 'tool_call'}], usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 55, 'output_tokens': 14, 'total_tokens': 69})]}}
{'input': 'what is the value of magic_function(3)?', 'output': 'Agent stopped due to a step timeout.'}

设置整个运行的单个最大超时的另一种方法是直接使用 Python 标准库 asyncio

import asyncio

from langgraph.prebuilt import create_react_agent

app = create_react_agent(model, tools=tools)

async def stream(app, inputs):
async for chunk in app.astream({"messages": [("human", query)]}):

task = asyncio.create_task(stream(app, {"messages": [("human", query)]}))
await asyncio.wait_for(task, timeout=3)
except TimeoutError:
print("Task Cancelled.")
{'agent': {'messages': [AIMessage(content='', additional_kwargs={'tool_calls': [{'id': 'call_gsGzyhyvR25iNV6W9VR2TIdQ', 'function': {'arguments': '{"input":"3"}', 'name': 'magic_function'}, 'type': 'function'}]}, response_metadata={'token_usage': {'completion_tokens': 14, 'prompt_tokens': 55, 'total_tokens': 69}, 'model_name': 'gpt-4o-2024-05-13', 'system_fingerprint': 'fp_3aa7262c27', 'finish_reason': 'tool_calls', 'logprobs': None}, id='run-9ad8f834-06c5-41cf-9eec-6b7e0f5e777e-0', tool_calls=[{'name': 'magic_function', 'args': {'input': '3'}, 'id': 'call_gsGzyhyvR25iNV6W9VR2TIdQ', 'type': 'tool_call'}], usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 55, 'output_tokens': 14, 'total_tokens': 69})]}}
Task Cancelled.


在 LangChain 中

使用 LangChain 的 AgentExecutor,您可以配置一个 early_stopping_method,以返回一个字符串,说明“代理因迭代限制或时间限制而停止。”(`

<!--IMPORTS:[{"imported": "AgentExecutor", "source": "langchain.agents", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "create_tool_calling_agent", "source": "langchain.agents", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "ChatPromptTemplate", "source": "langchain_core.prompts", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "tool", "source": "", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "ChatOpenAI", "source": "langchain_openai", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}]-->
from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor, create_tool_calling_agent
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from import tool
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI

model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o")

prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
("system", "You are a helpful assistant."),
("human", "{input}"),
# Placeholders fill up a **list** of messages
("placeholder", "{agent_scratchpad}"),

def magic_function(input: int) -> int:
"""Applies a magic function to an input."""
return "Sorry there was an error, please try again."

tools = [magic_function]

agent = create_tool_calling_agent(model, tools, prompt=prompt)
agent_executor = AgentExecutor(
agent=agent, tools=tools, early_stopping_method="force", max_iterations=1

result = agent_executor.invoke({"input": query})
print("Output with early_stopping_method='force':")
Output with early_stopping_method='force':
Agent stopped due to max iterations.

在 LangGraph 中

在 LangGraph 中,您可以显式处理代理外的响应行为,因为可以访问完整状态。

from langgraph.errors import GraphRecursionError
from langgraph.prebuilt import create_react_agent


app = create_react_agent(model, tools=tools)

for chunk in
{"messages": [("human", query)]},
{"recursion_limit": RECURSION_LIMIT},
except GraphRecursionError:
print({"input": query, "output": "Agent stopped due to max iterations."})
content='what is the value of magic_function(3)?' id='6487a942-0a9a-4e8a-9556-553a45fa9c5a'
content='' additional_kwargs={'tool_calls': [{'id': 'call_pe5KVY5No9iT4JWqrm5MwL1D', 'function': {'arguments': '{"input":3}', 'name': 'magic_function'}, 'type': 'function'}]} response_metadata={'token_usage': {'completion_tokens': 14, 'prompt_tokens': 55, 'total_tokens': 69}, 'model_name': 'gpt-4o-2024-05-13', 'system_fingerprint': 'fp_3aa7262c27', 'finish_reason': 'tool_calls', 'logprobs': None} id='run-04147325-fb72-462a-a1d9-6aa4e86e3d8a-0' tool_calls=[{'name': 'magic_function', 'args': {'input': 3}, 'id': 'call_pe5KVY5No9iT4JWqrm5MwL1D', 'type': 'tool_call'}] usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 55, 'output_tokens': 14, 'total_tokens': 69}
content='Sorry there was an error, please try again.' name='magic_function' id='bc0bf58f-7c6c-42ed-a96d-a2afa79f16a9' tool_call_id='call_pe5KVY5No9iT4JWqrm5MwL1D'
content="It seems there was an issue with processing the request. I'll try again." additional_kwargs={'tool_calls': [{'id': 'call_5rV7k3g7oW38bD9KUTsSxK8l', 'function': {'arguments': '{"input":3}', 'name': 'magic_function'}, 'type': 'function'}]} response_metadata={'token_usage': {'completion_tokens': 30, 'prompt_tokens': 87, 'total_tokens': 117}, 'model_name': 'gpt-4o-2024-05-13', 'system_fingerprint': 'fp_3aa7262c27', 'finish_reason': 'tool_calls', 'logprobs': None} id='run-6e43ffd4-fb6f-4222-8503-a50ae268c0be-0' tool_calls=[{'name': 'magic_function', 'args': {'input': 3}, 'id': 'call_5rV7k3g7oW38bD9KUTsSxK8l', 'type': 'tool_call'}] usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 87, 'output_tokens': 30, 'total_tokens': 117}
{'input': 'what is the value of magic_function(3)?', 'output': 'Agent stopped due to max iterations.'}


在 LangChain 中

使用 LangChain 的 AgentExecutor,您可以使用 trim_intermediate_steps 修剪长时间运行代理的中间步骤,该参数可以是一个整数(表示代理应保留最后 N 步)或一个自定义函数。


<!--IMPORTS:[{"imported": "AgentExecutor", "source": "langchain.agents", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "create_tool_calling_agent", "source": "langchain.agents", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "ChatPromptTemplate", "source": "langchain_core.prompts", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "tool", "source": "", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}, {"imported": "ChatOpenAI", "source": "langchain_openai", "docs": "", "title": "How to migrate from legacy LangChain agents to LangGraph"}]-->
from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor, create_tool_calling_agent
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from import tool
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI

model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o")

prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
("system", "You are a helpful assistant."),
("human", "{input}"),
# Placeholders fill up a **list** of messages
("placeholder", "{agent_scratchpad}"),

magic_step_num = 1

def magic_function(input: int) -> int:
"""Applies a magic function to an input."""
global magic_step_num
print(f"Call number: {magic_step_num}")
magic_step_num += 1
return input + magic_step_num

tools = [magic_function]

agent = create_tool_calling_agent(model, tools, prompt=prompt)

def trim_steps(steps: list):
# Let's give the agent amnesia
return []

agent_executor = AgentExecutor(
agent=agent, tools=tools, trim_intermediate_steps=trim_steps

query = "Call the magic function 4 times in sequence with the value 3. You cannot call it multiple times at once."

for step in{"input": query}):
Call number: 1
Call number: 2
Call number: 3
Call number: 4
Call number: 5
Call number: 6
Call number: 7
Call number: 8
Call number: 9
Call number: 10
Call number: 11
Call number: 12
Call number: 13
Call number: 14
Stopping agent prematurely due to triggering stop condition
Call number: 15



from langgraph.errors import GraphRecursionError
from langgraph.prebuilt import create_react_agent
from langgraph.prebuilt.chat_agent_executor import AgentState

magic_step_num = 1

def magic_function(input: int) -> int:
"""Applies a magic function to an input."""
global magic_step_num
print(f"Call number: {magic_step_num}")
magic_step_num += 1
return input + magic_step_num

tools = [magic_function]

def _modify_state_messages(state: AgentState):
# Give the agent amnesia, only keeping the original user query
return [("system", "You are a helpful assistant"), state["messages"][0]]

app = create_react_agent(model, tools, state_modifier=_modify_state_messages)

for step in{"messages": [("human", query)]}, stream_mode="updates"):
except GraphRecursionError as e:
print("Stopping agent prematurely due to triggering stop condition")
Call number: 1
Call number: 2
Call number: 3
Call number: 4
Call number: 5
Call number: 6
Call number: 7
Call number: 8
Call number: 9
Call number: 10
Call number: 11
Call number: 12
Stopping agent prematurely due to triggering stop condition




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