此示例选择器根据长度选择要使用的示例。当您担心构建的提示会超出上下文窗口的长度时,这非常有用。对于较长的输入,它将选择较少的示例进行包含,而对于较短的输入,它将选 择更多的示例。
<!--IMPORTS:[{"imported": "LengthBasedExampleSelector", "source": "langchain_core.example_selectors", "docs": "https://python.langchain.com/api_reference/core/example_selectors/langchain_core.example_selectors.length_based.LengthBasedExampleSelector.html", "title": "How to select examples by length"}, {"imported": "FewShotPromptTemplate", "source": "langchain_core.prompts", "docs": "https://python.langchain.com/api_reference/core/prompts/langchain_core.prompts.few_shot.FewShotPromptTemplate.html", "title": "How to select examples by length"}, {"imported": "PromptTemplate", "source": "langchain_core.prompts", "docs": "https://python.langchain.com/api_reference/core/prompts/langchain_core.prompts.prompt.PromptTemplate.html", "title": "How to select examples by length"}]-->
from langchain_core.example_selectors import LengthBasedExampleSelector
from langchain_core.prompts import FewShotPromptTemplate, PromptTemplate
# Examples of a pretend task of creating antonyms.
examples = [
{"input": "happy", "output": "sad"},
{"input": "tall", "output": "short"},
{"input": "energetic", "output": "lethargic"},
{"input": "sunny", "output": "gloomy"},
{"input": "windy", "output": "calm"},
example_prompt = PromptTemplate(
input_variables=["input", "output"],
template="Input: {input}\nOutput: {output}",
example_selector = LengthBasedExampleSelector(
# The examples it has available to choose from.
# The PromptTemplate being used to format the examples.
# The maximum length that the formatted examples should be.
# Length is measured by the get_text_length function below.
# The function used to get the length of a string, which is used
# to determine which examples to include. It is commented out because
# it is provided as a default value if none is specified.
# get_text_length: Callable[[str], int] = lambda x: len(re.split("\n| ", x))
dynamic_prompt = FewShotPromptTemplate(
# We provide an ExampleSelector instead of examples.
prefix="Give the antonym of every input",
suffix="Input: {adjective}\nOutput:",
# An example with small input, so it selects all examples.
Give the antonym of every input
Input: happy
Output: sad
Input: tall
Output: short
Input: energetic
Output: lethargic
Input: sunny
Output: gloomy
Input: windy
Output: calm
Input: big
# An example with long input, so it selects only one example.
long_string = "big and huge and massive and large and gigantic and tall and much much much much much bigger than everything else"
Give the antonym of every input
Input: happy
Output: sad
Input: big and huge and massive and large and gigantic and tall and much much much much much bigger than everything else
# You can add an example to an example selector as well.
new_example = {"input": "big", "output": "small"}
Give the antonym of every input
Input: happy
Output: sad
Input: tall
Output: short
Input: energetic
Output: lethargic
Input: sunny
Output: gloomy
Input: windy
Output: calm
Input: big
Output: small
Input: enthusiastic