连接特征存储(Connecting to a Feature Store)



特征存储是传统机器学习中的一个概念,确保馈入模型的数据是最新和相关的。有关详细信息,请参见此处 (opens in a new tab)

在考虑将 LLM 应用程序投入生产时,此概念非常相关。为了个性化 LLM 应用程序,您可能希望将 LLM 与特定用户的最新信息相结合。特征存储可以是保持数据新鲜的好方式,LangChain 提供了一种将该数据与 LLM 组合的简单方式。



首先,我们将使用流行的开源特征存储框架Feast (opens in a new tab)

这假定您已经运行了有关入门的步骤。我们将在入门示例的基础上构建,创建 LLMChain,以向特定司机写入有关其最新统计数据的注释。


同样,这应该按照Feast README中的说明设置

from feast import FeatureStore
# You may need to update the path depending on where you stored it
feast_repo_path = "../../../../../my_feature_repo/feature_repo/"
store = FeatureStore(repo_path=feast_repo_path)




from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate, StringPromptTemplate
template = """Given the driver's up to date stats, write them note relaying those stats to them.
If they have a conversation rate above .5, give them a compliment. Otherwise, make a silly joke about chickens at the end to make them feel better
Here are the drivers stats:
Conversation rate: {conv_rate}
Acceptance rate: {acc_rate}
Average Daily Trips: {avg_daily_trips}
Your response:"""
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(template)
class FeastPromptTemplate(StringPromptTemplate):
    def format(self, **kwargs) -> str:
        driver_id = kwargs.pop("driver_id")
        feature_vector = store.get_online_features(
            entity_rows=[{"driver_id": driver_id}]
        kwargs["conv_rate"] = feature_vector["conv_rate"][0]
        kwargs["acc_rate"] = feature_vector["acc_rate"][0]
        kwargs["avg_daily_trips"] = feature_vector["avg_daily_trips"][0]
        return prompt.format(**kwargs)
prompt_template = FeastPromptTemplate(input_variables=["driver_id"])
Given the driver's up to date stats, write them note relaying those stats to them.
If they have a conversation rate above .5, give them a compliment. Otherwise, make a silly joke about chickens at the end to make them feel better
Here are the drivers stats:
Conversation rate: 0.4745151400566101
Acceptance rate: 0.055561766028404236
Average Daily Trips: 936
Your response:



from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.chains import LLMChain
chain = LLMChain(llm=ChatOpenAI(), prompt=prompt_template)
"Hi there! I wanted to update you on your current stats. Your acceptance rate is 0.055561766028404236 and your average daily trips are 936. While your conversation rate is currently 0.4745151400566101, I have no doubt that with a little extra effort, you'll be able to exceed that .5 mark! Keep up the great work! And remember, even chickens can't always cross the road, but they still give it their best shot."





我们将使用Tecton教程 (opens in a new tab)中的user_transaction_counts特征视图作为特征服务的一部分。


user_transaction_metrics = FeatureService(
    name = "user_transaction_metrics",
    features = [user_transaction_counts]

以上特征服务的预期实现是: 应用到实时工作区 (opens in a new tab). For this example, we will be using the “prod” workspace.

import tecton
workspace = tecton.get_workspace("prod")
feature_service = workspace.get_feature_service("user_transaction_metrics")




from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate, StringPromptTemplate
template = """Given the vendor's up to date transaction stats, write them a note based on the following rules:
1. If they had a transaction in the last day, write a short congratulations message on their recent sales
2. If no transaction in the last day, but they had a transaction in the last 30 days, playfully encourage them to sell more.
3. Always add a silly joke about chickens at the end
Here are the vendor's stats:
Number of Transactions Last Day: {transaction_count_1d}
Number of Transactions Last 30 Days: {transaction_count_30d}
Your response:"""
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(template)
class TectonPromptTemplate(StringPromptTemplate):
    def format(self, **kwargs) -> str:
        user_id = kwargs.pop("user_id")
        feature_vector = feature_service.get_online_features(join_keys={"user_id": user_id}).to_dict()
        kwargs["transaction_count_1d"] = feature_vector["user_transaction_counts.transaction_count_1d_1d"]
        kwargs["transaction_count_30d"] = feature_vector["user_transaction_counts.transaction_count_30d_1d"]
        return prompt.format(**kwargs)
prompt_template = TectonPromptTemplate(input_variables=["user_id"])
Given the vendor's up to date transaction stats, write them a note based on the following rules:
1. If they had a transaction in the last day, write a short congratulations message on their recent sales
2. If no transaction in the last day, but they had a transaction in the last 30 days, playfully encourage them to sell more.
3. Always add a silly joke about chickens at the end
Here are the vendor's stats:
Number of Transactions Last Day: 657
Number of Transactions Last 30 Days: 20326
Your response:


现在,我们可以在一个链中使用它,成功创建一个由Tecton Feature Platform支持的个性化链。

from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.chains import LLMChain
chain = LLMChain(llm=ChatOpenAI(), prompt=prompt_template)
'Wow, congratulations on your recent sales! Your business is really soaring like a chicken on a hot air balloon! Keep up the great work!'