

Latex 文本分割器#

LatexTextSplitter 可以沿着 Latex 的标题、头部、枚举等分割文本。它实现为 RecursiveCharacterSplitter 的一个简单子类,带有 Latex 特定的分隔符。默认情况下,查看源代码以查看预期的 Latex 语法。

  • 文本如何分割:根据 Latex 特定标记列表

  • 如何测量块大小:通过传递的长度函数测量(默认为字符数)

from langchain.text_splitter import LatexTextSplitter
latex_text = """
Large language models (LLMs) are a type of machine learning model that can be trained on vast amounts of text data to generate human-like language. In recent years, LLMs have made significant advances in a variety of natural language processing tasks, including language translation, text generation, and sentiment analysis.
\subsection{History of LLMs}
The earliest LLMs were developed in the 1980s and 1990s, but they were limited by the amount of data that could be processed and the computational power available at the time. In the past decade, however, advances in hardware and software have made it possible to train LLMs on massive datasets, leading to significant improvements in performance.
\subsection{Applications of LLMs}
LLMs have many applications in industry, including chatbots, content creation, and virtual assistants. They can also be used in academia for research in linguistics, psychology, and computational linguistics.
latex_splitter = LatexTextSplitter(chunk_size=400, chunk_overlap=0)
docs = latex_splitter.create_documents([latex_text])
[Document(page_content='\\documentclass{article}  \x08egin{document}  \\maketitle', lookup_str='', metadata={}, lookup_index=0),
 Document(page_content='Introduction}\nLarge language models (LLMs) are a type of machine learning model that can be trained on vast amounts of text data to generate human-like language. In recent years, LLMs have made significant advances in a variety of natural language processing tasks, including language translation, text generation, and sentiment analysis.', lookup_str='', metadata={}, lookup_index=0),
 Document(page_content='History of LLMs}\nThe earliest LLMs were developed in the 1980s and 1990s, but they were limited by the amount of data that could be processed and the computational power available at the time. In the past decade, however, advances in hardware and software have made it possible to train LLMs on massive datasets, leading to significant improvements in performance.', lookup_str='', metadata={}, lookup_index=0),
 Document(page_content='Applications of LLMs}\nLLMs have many applications in industry, including chatbots, content creation, and virtual assistants. They can also be used in academia for research in linguistics, psychology, and computational linguistics.  \\end{document}', lookup_str='', metadata={}, lookup_index=0)]